Monday, 9 January 2012

Writing while the food burns

So much for resolve.  I think the mere fact of having announced that I would be writing today for at least ten minutes was what kept me to the plan.  It took most of the day for me to knuckle down -  I kept the intention at the front of my mind by logging on as soon as I was home from the errands, but I didn't get my bum on the seat until after I'd picked the children up. Then, as it is Monday, we have the cute but quiet children around until nearly 5 o'clock.  Today they were cute and noisy. The sound of tiny feet thudding up and down stairs, multiplied by five, all hustling to be the first to hide (it was allegedly a game of hide and seek) was so loud I thought about calling in Environmental Health to investigate the noise. There was no hope of concentrating on writing when I was so desperately listening in case one of them to slip and tumble down the stairs.
So it was really quite late when I finally sat down, and I set the timer to try to keep myself on track.  I put the children's food in the oven and off I went.  I heard the timer go off; honestly I did, and told myself that finishing another sentence wouldn't do any harm.  By the time I went to get the food from the oven, it was unrecognisable, and looked as though it had re-entered the earth's atmosphere. I'd achieved quite a lot with my book, but what a bad mother! Luckily my own mother is far better, and had left half a cottage pie in the fridge which I was able to heat in the microwave. Thank goodness for long-sighted mothers, and may I one day be a blessing to my kids.
Turns out, it's not getting any easier to do the juggling. I'm always under-achieving at something. It would help if I had the discipline to stick to a ten minute writing session, but the reason I love writing is because of the way I can lose myself in it, so I'm not going to complain.

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