Friday, 31 May 2019

Breaking New Ground


It's been a long, long, loooooong time in the making, but I'm pretty much on my final draft. I've printed out two copies to give to 'beta readers' (aka two friends I trust) and then I'm going to start submitting to agents.

I'm nervous but mostly excited. I've never been at this point before, and I'm aware that there will be many rejections along the way, but even getting to the stage of getting rejections feels like an exciting step forward.

I've bought myself a copy of the Writers' and Artists' year book and have crossed out the agents who don't accept my kind of work, and the ones closed to submissions. I'm researching the others so that I can identify who to put in my first 'batch' of submissions. It's a surprisingly time-consuming task!

One of the things that is very strange is that, looking at their websites, sometimes I get a zing of "I like this one" and sometimes, a "meh" without really knowing why.

So there we go. An upbeat moment, before I enter the maelstrom of Rejectionville! And maybe, just maybe, eventually find someone who likes what I've written.

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